Introduction to Air Intake Filters

February 25 , 2021


Full11 35303 Air Intake Small

Increase the performance and component service life of your compressor by utilising Dollinger Air Intake Filter solutions whilst increasing energy efficiency and lowering total cost of ownership. In this presentation we will be explaining what air intake filtration is, and the benefits they provide. Our team at Celeros wants to share their extensive experience in this application to help you identify how air intake filtration could offer lower cost of ownership/improved protection for your equipment.

Air Intake Filters


Harry derkay

Harry Derkay

Regional Sales Manager of Filter OEMs, with over 40 years' experience working with Dollinger.

Photo Mayank 2

Mayank Trivedi

Sales Director of Celeros Industrial Filters India, with over 35 years' experience in the Filters industry.

Introduction to Air Intake Filters

Introduction to Air Intake Filters
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